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Stand with us against


Every voice has the power to make a difference. Join the Keyboard Heroes conversation and participate in co-creating a safer space for pre-teens and young adults online.

1 in 4

students who experienced bullying turned to self-harm to cope. (Source)

Image by James Sutton

Only 8%

of public schools report that staff resources are used to handle cyberbullying incidents. (Source)


young adults facing cyberbullying are 2x as likely to self-harm and execute suicidal behaviour. (Source)

What We Do


Raising Awareness

We are committed to raising awareness on the effects of cyberbullying and how we can each use our voice to combat it.


Preventative Workshops

We hope to collaborate with primary and secondary schools around the country to deliver talks against cyberbullying.


Fundraising Partners

We will make a regular donation to a registered charity dedicated to supporting children and youth through bullying.

2023 Campaign

Children today are the first generation growing up in the internet age. Bullying may be nothing new, however, the addition of social media means that it no longer ends at the school gates. For many pre-teens and young adults, it's a 24/7 occurrence.


Our hope is to raise awareness on the effects of cyberbullying, how we can better navigate it as adults, and how we can support youth through it, so children feel empowered to speak up and ask for help.


Every voice has the power to make a difference. We invite you to stand with us in the fight against cyberbullying by using yours to promote a safer space for teens and young adults online. 


It can be as small as thinking twice before clicking send. Hence, our #ThinkTwice campaign is born!


Do you need help?

You are not alone. Help is available. Below are emergency resources available to students and children.

For confidential, non-judgemental support 24 hours a day, contact Samaritans:

Do you need someone to talk to? Reach out to Childline by calling:

Call: 1800 66 66 66


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